First Aid Courses in Hervey Bay

Confidence building. Convenient. Practical. Engaging and Nationally Recognised

  • 3 Courses Delivered Each Week

  • Convenient Location
    Urangan Community Wellness Centre

  • Engaging Practical Assessment for 1 & 2.5 hours

  • Fast Certificate Turnaround

Allens Training are recognised specialists in First Aid and Health and Safety. With over 20 years Industry Training experience and a leading Australian Registered Training Organisation.

We look forward to quality training in support of the Hervey Bay & Maryborough Communities.

Our easy 3 step booking process

  • Book and pay for your course

    Choose the course, choose the day and pay online via our secure booking portal at any time.

  • Complete your online learning prior to the course

    Practical course components can be completed in a single day. The online theory component must be completed prior to practical training, and can be completed at your own pace.

  • Attend the Face to Face Practical Session

    Once you’ve successfully completed your course, you’ll receive nationally recgonised certificate, typically same day!

First Aid Course

Urangan Community Wellness Centre

per person

  • In person 2.5 hour course plus pre-requisite online component

  • Course run each week

  • Certificate typically delivered within 24 hours of successful completion

  • HLTAID009 – Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    HLTAID010 – Provide basic emergency life support
    HLTAID011 – Provide First Aid

CPR Course

Urangan Community Wellness Centre

per person

  • In person 1 hour course plus pre-requsite online component

  • Course run each week

  • Certificate typically delivered within 24 hours of successful completion

  • HLTAID009 – Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Childcare Education First Aid

Urangan Community Wellness Centre

per person

  • In-person 2.5 hour course plus pre-requisite online component

  • Courses runs each week

  • Certificate typically delivered within 24 hours of successful completion

  • HLTAID012 - Provide First Aid in an education and care setting
    HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    HLTAID010 - Provide basic emergency life support
    HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid

Mental Health First Aid

Urangan Community Wellness Centre

per person

  • Only Nationally Recognised Short Course in Mental Health

  • Courses delivered each month

  • Exclusive to Allens Training

  • 3 hour course plus pre-requisite online component

  • 11244NAT - Course in Mental Health Support for First Responders
    NAT11244001 - Develop knowledge of mental health support for first responders
    NAT11244002 - Provide mental health support to first responders